#!/bin/bash #PBS -l walltime=0:30:00 ##PBS -l select=:ncpus=:mpiprocs= ## where: select = 1 or 2 ; ncpus=mpiprocs= from 1 to 12 #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=12:mpiprocs=12 #PBS -o job.out #PBS -e job.err #PBS -q visual ##PBS -A #PBS -A cinstaff ##PBS -W group_list="" ## where is one of cinstaff, cineca-staff or product #PBS -W group_list="cinstaff" ##module load autoload ParaView module purge module load profile/base module use /plx/userprod/pro3dwe1/BA/modulefiles/profiles module load luigi/advanced module load gnu/4.1.2 module load cmake/2.8.4_static module load openmpi/1.3.3--gnu--4.1.2 module load autoload/0.1/verbose module load Qt/4.7.2_shared--gnu--4.1.2 module load python/2.7.1 module load ParaView/3.10.1_qt_shared ## The displays for the GPUs in each node are: ## localhost:0.1 for the GPU 1 ## localhost:0.2 for the GPU 2 mpirun -bynode -np 12 pvserver -display localhost:0.1 : -np 12 pvserver -display localhost:0.2