#!/bin/env python import sys import platform import os import getpass import socket import time import paramiko import string if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): import pexpect sys.path.append( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ) , "server")) import rcm import rcm_utils import rcm_protocol_client import logging module_logger = logging.getLogger('RCM.client') class rcm_client_connection: def __init__(self,proxynode='login.plx.cineca.it', user_account='', remoteuser='',password='', pack_info=None): self.debug=True self.commandnode='' self.protocol=rcm_protocol_client.get_protocol() def mycall(command): return self.prex(command) self.protocol.mycall=mycall if(not pack_info): self.pack_info=rcm_utils.pack_info() else: self.pack_info=pack_info self.basedir = self.pack_info.basedir self.config=dict() self.config['ssh']=dict() self.config['vnc']=dict() self.config['ssh']['win32']=("PLINK.EXE"," -ssh","echo yes | ") self.config['vnc']['win32']=("vncviewer.exe","") self.config['ssh']['linux2']=("ssh","","") self.config['vnc']['linux2']=("vncviewer","") self.config['ssh']['darwin']=("ssh","","") self.config['vnc']['darwin']=("vncviewer_java/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub","") self.config['remote_rcm_server']="module load rcm; python $RCM_HOME/bin/server/rcm_new_server.py" #self.config['remote_rcm_server']="module load python; /om/home/cibo19/RCM_Dev/bin/server/rcm_server.py" #finding out the basedir, it depends if we are running as executable pyinstaler or as script self.sshexe = os.path.join(self.basedir,"external",sys.platform,platform.architecture()[0],"bin",self.config['ssh'][sys.platform][0]) self.activeConnectionsList = [] if os.path.exists(self.sshexe) : self.ssh_command = self.config['ssh'][sys.platform][2] + self.sshexe + self.config['ssh'][sys.platform][1] else: self.ssh_command = "ssh" if(self.debug): module_logger.debug( "ssh command1: "+ self.ssh_command) vncexe = os.path.join(self.basedir,"external",sys.platform,platform.architecture()[0],"bin",self.config['vnc'][sys.platform][0]) if os.path.exists(vncexe): self.vncexe=vncexe else: if(self.debug): module_logger.debug( "VNC exec -->"+vncexe+"<-- NOT FOUND !!!") name=raw_input("VNC exec -->"+vncexe+"<-- NOT FOUND !!!") sys.exit() self.session_thread=[] def login_setup(self, host='', remoteuser='',password=''): self.proxynode=host if (remoteuser == ''): self.remoteuser=raw_input("Remote user: ") else: self.remoteuser=remoteuser keyfile=os.path.join(self.basedir,'keys',self.remoteuser+'.ppk') if(os.path.exists(keyfile)): if(sys.platform == 'win32'): self.login_options = " -i " + keyfile + " " + self.remoteuser else: if(self.debug): module_logger.warning( "PASSING PRIVATE KEY FILE NOT IMPLEMENTED ON PLATFORM -->"+sys.platform+"<--") self.login_options = " -i " + keyfile + " " + self.remoteuser else: if(sys.platform == 'win32'): if (password == ''): self.passwd=getpass.getpass("Get password for " + self.remoteuser + "@" + self.proxynode + " : ") # print "got passwd-->",self.passwd else: self.passwd=password self.login_options = " -pw "+self.passwd + " " + self.remoteuser else: if (password == ''): self.passwd=getpass.getpass("Get password for " + self.remoteuser + "@" + self.proxynode + " : ") # print "got passwd-->",self.passwd else: self.passwd=password self.login_options = self.remoteuser self.login_options_withproxy = self.login_options + "@" + self.proxynode self.ssh_remote_exec_command = self.ssh_command + " " + self.login_options self.ssh_remote_exec_command_withproxy = self.ssh_command + " " + self.login_options_withproxy check_cred=self.checkCredential() if(check_cred): self.subnet= '.'.join(socket.gethostbyname(self.proxynode).split('.')[0:-1]) if(self.debug): module_logger.debug( "Login host: " + self.proxynode + " subnet: " + self.subnet) return check_cred def prex(self, cmd, commandnode = ''): # if (commandnode == ''): if (self.commandnode == ''): commandnode = self.proxynode else: commandnode = self.commandnode self.commandnode='' fullcommand = self.ssh_remote_exec_command + "@" + commandnode + ' ' + cmd ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) module_logger.info( "on "+commandnode+" run-->"+self.config['remote_rcm_server'] + ' '+cmd+"<") try: ssh.connect(commandnode, username=self.remoteuser, password=self.passwd, timeout=10) except Exception as e: module_logger.warning("ERROR {0}: ".format( e)+"in ssh.connect to node->"+ commandnode +"< user->"+self.remoteuser+"<" ) return('') stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(self.config['remote_rcm_server'] + ' ' +cmd) myout = ''.join(stdout) myerr = stderr.readlines() if myerr: if(self.debug): module_logger.error( myerr ) raise Exception("Server error: {0}".format(myerr)) #find where the real server output starts #serverOutputString = "server output->" index = myout.find(rcm.serverOutputString) if index != -1: index += len(rcm.serverOutputString) myout = myout[index:] #########myout = myout.replace('\n', '',1) return myout def list(self): #get list of nodes to check of possible sessions rcm_utils.get_threads_exceptions() o=self.protocol.loginlist(subnet=self.subnet) sessions=rcm.rcm_sessions(o) #if(self.debug): # sessions.write(2) a=[] nodeloginList = [] proxynode = '' state = '' for ses in sessions.array: proxynode = ses.hash.get('nodelogin', '') state = ses.hash.get('state', 'killed') if (proxynode != '' and not proxynode in nodeloginList and state != 'killed'): nodeloginList.append(proxynode) # (o,e)=self.prex(self.config['remote_rcm_server'] + ' ' + 'list' + ' ' + self.subnet, proxynode) self.commandnode=proxynode o=self.protocol.list(subnet=self.subnet) if(o): tmp=rcm.rcm_sessions(o) a.extend(tmp.array) ret=rcm.rcm_sessions() ret.array=a #if(self.debug): # ret.write(2) return ret def newconn(self, queue, geometry, sessionname = '',vnc_id='turbovnc_vnc'): #Create a random vncpassword and encrypt it rcm_cipher = rcm_utils.rcm_cipher() vncpassword = rcm_cipher.vncpassword vncpassword_crypted=rcm_cipher.encrypt() #new_encoded_param='geometry='+ geometry + ' ' + 'queue='+ queue + ' ' + 'sessionname=' + '\'' + sessionname + '\'' + ' ' \ # + 'subnet=' + self.subnet + ' ' + 'vncpassword=' + vncpassword + ' ' + 'vncpassword_crypted=' + '\'' + vncpassword_crypted + '\'' #o=self.prex('new' + ' ' + new_encoded_param ) o=self.protocol.new(geometry=geometry, queue=queue, sessionname='\'' + sessionname + '\'', subnet=self.subnet, vncpassword=vncpassword, vncpassword_crypted=vncpassword_crypted, vnc_id=vnc_id) session=rcm.rcm_session(o) return session def kill(self,session): sessionid = session.hash['sessionid'] nodelogin = session.hash['nodelogin'] self.commandnode=nodelogin o=self.protocol.kill(session_id=sessionid) # def get_otp(self,sessionid): # (o,e)=self.prex(self.config['remote_rcm_server'] + ' ' + 'otp' + ' ' + sessionid) # if e: # if(self.debug): print e # raise Exception("Getting OTP passwd session -> {0} <- failed with error: {1}".format(sessionid, e)) # return '' # else: # return o.strip() def get_config(self): # o=self.prex('version' + ' ' + self.pack_info.buildPlatformString) o=self.protocol.config(build_platform=self.pack_info.buildPlatformString) self.server_config=rcm.rcm_config(o) module_logger.debug( "config---->"+ str(self.server_config)) return self.server_config def queues(self): return self.server_config.config.get('queues',[]) def vncs(self): vncs=self.server_config.config.get('vnc_commands',[]) return vncs #def get_version(self): # o=self.prex('version' + ' ' + self.pack_info.buildPlatformString) #def mycall(command): # return self.prex(command) #protocol=rcm.rcm_protocol(mycall) #o=protocol.version(self.pack_info.buildPlatformString) #return o.split(' ') #removed def get_queue(self): # o=self.prex('queue') #removed o=self.protocol.queue() #removed if(self.debug): print "available queue: ", o #removed return o.split(' ') def vncsession(self, session=None, otp='', gui_cmd=None, configFile=None): """ :rtype : object """ tunnel_command = '' vnc_command = '' vncpassword_decrypted = '' if session: portnumber = 5900 + int(session.hash['display']) local_portnumber=rcm_utils.get_unused_portnumber() node = session.hash['node'] nodelogin = session.hash['nodelogin'] tunnel = session.hash['tunnel'] vncpassword = session.hash.get('vncpassword','') #Decrypt password rcm_cipher = rcm_utils.rcm_cipher() vncpassword_decrypted=rcm_cipher.decrypt(vncpassword) if(self.debug): module_logger.debug( "portnumber --> "+ str(portnumber) +" node --> " + str(node) + " nodelogin --> " + str(nodelogin)+ " tunnel --> "+str(tunnel)) if sys.platform.startswith('darwin') : vnc_command = self.vncexe + " -quality 80 -subsampling 2X" + " -password " + vncpassword_decrypted vnc_command += " -loglevel "+str(rcm_utils.vnc_loglevel) elif(sys.platform == 'win32'): # vnc_command = self.vncexe + " -medqual " + "-password " + vncpassword_decrypted vnc_command = "echo "+ vncpassword_decrypted+ " | " + self.vncexe + " -medqual " + "-autopass -nounixlogin" vnc_command += " -logfile "+os.path.join(rcm_utils.log_folder(),'vncviewer_'+nodelogin+'_'+session.hash.get('sessionid','')+'.log') vnc_command += " -loglevel "+str(rcm_utils.vnc_loglevel) else: vnc_command = self.vncexe + " -medqual " #vnc_command += " -logfile "+os.path.join(rcm_utils.log_folder(),'vncviewer_'+nodelogin+'_'+session.hash.get('sessionid','')+'.log') if(sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform.startswith('darwin')): if (tunnel == 'y'): tunnel_command = self.ssh_command + " -L" +str(local_portnumber) + ":" + node + ":" + str(portnumber) + " " + self.login_options + "@" + nodelogin if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): tunnel_command += " echo 'rcm_tunnel'; sleep 20" else: tunnel_command += " echo 'rcm_tunnel'; sleep 10" vnc_command += "" + str(local_portnumber) else: #tunnel_command = self.ssh_command + " -L" +str(portnumber) + ":" + node + ":" + str(portnumber) + " " + self.login_options + "@" + nodelogin + " echo 'rcm_tunnel'; sleep 10" vnc_command += " " + nodelogin + ":" + str(portnumber) else: if (tunnel == 'y'): vnc_command += " -via '" + self.login_options + "@" + nodelogin + "' " + node +":" + str(session.hash['display']) else: vnc_command += ' ' + nodelogin + ":" + session.hash['display'] else: vnc_command = self.vncexe + " -config " if(self.debug): module_logger.info( "tunnel->"+tunnel_command.replace(self.passwd,"****")+"< vnc->"+vnc_command+"< conffile->"+str(configFile)+"<") st=rcm_utils.SessionThread ( tunnel_command, vnc_command, self.passwd, vncpassword_decrypted, otp, gui_cmd, configFile, self.debug) if(self.debug): module_logger.debug( "!!!!!session thread--->"+str(st)+"<- num thread:"+str(len(self.session_thread))) self.session_thread.append(st) st.start() def vncsession_kill(self): if(self.debug): module_logger.debug( "here in vncsession_kill") for t in self.session_thread: t.terminate() def checkCredential(self): #check if RCM_PATH env variable is set #try: rcm_server_command=rcm_utils.get_server_command(self.proxynode, self.remoteuser, passwd=self.passwd) if(rcm_server_command != '' ): self.config['remote_rcm_server'] = rcm_server_command return True #except Exception as e: #if(self.debug): print "" #return True if __name__ == '__main__': try: c = rcm_client_connection() c.login_setup() c.debug=False res=c.list() res.write(2) newc=c.newconn() newsession = newc.hash['sessionid'] print "created session -->",newsession,"<- display->",newc.hash['display'],"<-- node-->",newc.hash['node'] c.vncsession(newc) res=c.list() res.write(2) c.kill(newsession) res=c.list() res.write(2) except Exception: print "ERROR OCCURRED HERE" raise