.. -*- mode: rst ; ispell-local-dictionary: "american" -*- ========================== pyi-makeCOMServer ========================== ------------------------------------------------------------- Windows COM Server support for |PyInstaller| ------------------------------------------------------------- :Author: Giovanni Bajo :Copyright: 2005-2011 by Giovanni Bajo, based on previous work under copyright 2002 McMillan Enterprises, Inc. :Version: |PyInstallerVersion| :Manual section: 1 .. raw:: manpage .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l SYNOPSIS ========== ``pyi-makeCOMServer`` SCRIPT DESCRIPTION ============ This will generate a new script ``drivescript.py`` and a spec file for the script. Please see the PyInstaller Manual for more information. OPTIONS ======== --debug Use the verbose version of the executable. --verbose Register the COM server(s) with the quiet flag off. --ascii do not include encodings (this is passed through to Makespec). --out Generate the driver script and spec file in dir. SEE ALSO ============= ``pyi-makespec``\(1), The PyInstaller Manual, ``pyinstaller``\(1) Project Homepage |Homepage| .. include:: _definitions.txt