[general] name=virtualgl short-description=virtualized gl library and tool (vglrun) homepage-url=http://www.virtualgl.org/ long-description= VirtualGL is an open source toolkit that gives any Unix or Linux remote display software the ability to run OpenGL applications with full 3D hardware acceleration. With VirtualGL, the OpenGL commands and 3D data are directed to the remote host 3D graphics accelerator ( "GPU") in the application server, and only the rendered 3D images are sent to the client machine. [module] compiler=none category=tool license-type=gpl [BUILD_SCRIPT] init= module purge module load autoload module load cmake module load libjpeg-turbo download=@{download_tar} cmake_definitions= -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-DGLAPIENTRY=APIENTRY -DTJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=${LIBJPEG_TURBO_HOME}/include -DTJPEG_LIBRARY=${LIBJPEG_TURBO_HOME}/lib/libturbojpeg.a configure=@{configure_cmake} make=@{make_outsource} install=@{install_outsource} [MODULEFILE] prepend_path.PATH=prepend-path prepend_path.MANPATH=prepend-path prepend_path.LD_LIBRARY_PATH=prepend-path conflict_comment= proc get_screens {} { global env set env(DISPLAY) ":0" foreach line [ split [ exec xdpyinfo | grep screen ] "\n" ] { if [ regexp {screen\s*#(\d*):} "$line" matched sub1 ] { lappend screens $sub1 } } return $screens } # # proc get_display {} { set screens [ get_screens ] if { 3 == [ llength $screens ] } { set scrnum "\$((RANDOM%2+1))" } else { if { 2 == [ llength $screens ] } { set scrnum [lindex $screens 1] } else { set scrnum [lindex $screens 0] } } return ":0.$scrnum" } # set-alias vglrun "vglrun -d [get_display] " setenv VGL_DISPLAY "[get_display]" #