[general] name=vaa3d short-description=A Swiss Army Knife for exploring Big-Big Image Data homepage-url=http://home.penglab.com/proj/vaa3d/home/index.html long-description= Vaa3D is a handy, fast, and versatile 3D/4D/5D Image Visualization and Analysis System for Bioimages and Surface Objects. It also provides many unique functions that you may not find in other software. [module] category=tool license-type=gpl [MODULEFILE] prepend_path.PATH=prepend-path prepend_path.MANPATH=prepend-path [BUILD_SCRIPT] download_url=@{general.download-url} init= module purge module load rcm install= @{install_cli} @{desktop.desktop_helper} --icon_file=@{meta_config.path}/vaa3d.png