[general] name=rcm short-description=Remote Connection Manager ( TurboVNC wrapper) homepage-url=http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/remote-visualization long-description= The Remote Connection Manager (RCM) is an application that wraps vnc client. It allows HPC-users to perform remote visualization on HPC clusters. [module] compiler=none category=tool license-type=gpl [BUILD_SCRIPT] download= mkdir -p @{source_dir} install= rm -rf @{install_dir} mkdir -p @{install_dir} cd @{install_dir} mkdir -p bin cd bin svn co @{general.download-server-url} svn co @{general.download-config-url} config [MODULEFILE] prepend_path.PATH= prepend-path PATH @{install_dir}/bin/server #prepend-path