message("custom FindOpenCV CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY BOTH -->${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY}<--") ############################################################################## # @file FindOpenCV.cmake # @brief Find OpenCV Library ( # # @par 1. Setup # # The following variables are optionally searched for defaults # OpenCV_DIR: Base directory of OpenCv tree to use. # # @par 2. Variable # # The following are set after configuration is done: # - OpenCV_FOUND # - OpenCV_LIBS # - OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR # - OpenCV_VERSION (OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR, OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR, OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH) # # # The following variables are used to maintain compatibility with other # Find.cmake modules, including the FindOpenCV.cmake module of # Jan Woetzel (2006/09, # - OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS # - OpenCV_LIBRARIES # - OpenCV_LINK_DIRECTORIES # # @par 3. Version # # 2012/10/22 Andreas Schuh, Find OpenCV 2 also if OpenCVConfig.cmake missing. # 2012/02/28 Andreas Schuh, Reimplemented module to work also for OpenCV 1.x. # 2010/04/07 Benoit Rat, Correct a bug when OpenCVConfig.cmake is not found. # 2010/03/24 Benoit Rat, Add compatibility for when OpenCVConfig.cmake is not found. # 2010/03/22 Benoit Rat, Creation of the script. # # # tested with: # - OpenCV 2.1: MinGW, MSVC2008 # - OpenCV 2.0: MinGW, MSVC2008, GCC4 # # @par 4. Licence # # LGPL 2.1 : GNU Lesser General Public License Usage # Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser # # General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software # Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the # packaging of this file. Please review the following information to # ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements # will be met: # # @ingroup CMakeFindModules ############################################################################## # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize search set (OpenCV_FOUND FALSE) # 1. set OpenCV_DIR from environment variables if (NOT OpenCV_DIR) if (DEFINED ENV{OpenCV_DIR}) set (OpenCV_DIR "$ENV{OpenCV_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Installation prefix of OpenCV Library." FORCE) elseif (DEFINED ENV{OPENCV_DIR}) set (OpenCV_DIR "$ENV{OPENCV_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Installation prefix of OpenCV Library." FORCE) endif () endif () # 2. otherwise, try to derive it from include path if (NOT OpenCV_DIR) # a) look for include path which might be easily found using system default # paths such as C_INCLUDE_PATH or CXX_INCLUDE_PATH find_path ( OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR "cv.h" PATH_SUFFIXES "include" "include/opencv" DOC "Directory of cv.h header file." ) mark_as_advanced (OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR) # b) derive OpenCV_DIR from include path if (OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR) # Mac OS Framework string (REGEX REPLACE "/Headers(/.*)?$" "" OpenCV_DIR "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}") # OpenCV 1 string (REGEX REPLACE "/include(/.*)$" "" OpenCV_DIR "${OpenCV_DIR}") # OpenCV >= 2 if (EXISTS "${OpenCV_DIR}/share/opencv/OpenCVConfig.cmake") set (OpenCV_DIR "${OpenCV_DIR}/share/opencv") endif () # cache it such that users can view/correct it set (OpenCV_DIR "${OpenCV_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Installation prefix of OpenCV Library." FORCE) endif () endif () set (OpenCV_LIBS) # found libraries set (OpenCV_COMPONENTS_REQUIRED) # requested components set (OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS) # found components set (OpenCV_VERSION) # found version # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # find headers and libraries if (EXISTS "${OpenCV_DIR}") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenCV 2 if (EXISTS "${OpenCV_DIR}/OpenCVConfig.cmake") include ("${OpenCV_DIR}/OpenCVConfig.cmake") foreach (__CVLIB IN LISTS OpenCV_COMPONENTS) if (NOT __CVLIB MATCHES "^opencv_") set (__CVLIB "opencv_${__CVLIB}") endif () list (APPEND OpenCV_COMPONENTS_REQUIRED "${__CVLIB}") endforeach () # Note that OpenCV 2.0.0 does only call the command include_directories() # but does not set OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS. This variable was added to # OpenCVConfig.cmake since version 2.1.0 of OpenCV. get_directory_property (__INCLUDE_DIRS INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) find_path ( OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR "cv.h" HINTS ${__INCLUDE_DIRS} DOC "Directory of cv.h header file." NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) mark_as_advanced (OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR) unset (__INCLUDE_DIRS) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenCV 1 (or OpenCV 2 with missing OpenCVConfig.cmake file) else () # will be adjusted on Unix to find the correct library version set (OpenCV_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES "${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}") # find include directory find_path ( OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR "cv.h" PATHS "${OpenCV_DIR}" PATH_SUFFIXES "include" "include/opencv" DOC "Directory of cv.h header file." NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) mark_as_advanced (OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR) if (EXISTS ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}) # should not be done by Find module, but OpenCVConfig.cmake does it # as well, unfortunately... include_directories (${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}) # extract version information from header file if (EXISTS "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}/cvver.h") file (STRINGS "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}/cvver.h" OpenCV_VERSIONS_TMP REGEX "^#define CV_[A-Z]+_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") elseif (EXISTS "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}/../opencv2/core/version.hpp") file (STRINGS "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}/../opencv2/core/version.hpp" OpenCV_VERSIONS_TMP REGEX "^#define CV_[A-Z]+_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") else () message (FATAL_ERROR "Missing ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}/cvver.h or ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}/../opencv2/core/version.hpp file!") endif () string (REGEX REPLACE ".*#define CV_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR ${OpenCV_VERSIONS_TMP}) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*#define CV_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR ${OpenCV_VERSIONS_TMP}) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*#define CV_SUBMINOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH ${OpenCV_VERSIONS_TMP}) set (OpenCV_VERSION "${OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR}.${OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH}") # file name suffixes if (UNIX) set (OpenCV_CVLIB_NAME_SUFFIX) set (CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES) foreach (SUFFIX IN LISTS OpenCV_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES) if (NOT SUFFIX MATCHES "\\.${OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR}\\.${OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR}\\.${OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH}$") set (SUFFIX "${SUFFIX}.${OpenCV_VERSION}") endif () list (APPEND CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES "${SUFFIX}") endforeach () # for the 1.1pre1 version, the suffix of the libraries is by default .2.0.0 instead of .1.1.0 # thus consider these library files as well, assuming that the suffix has not been corrected if (OpenCV_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL 1.1.0) foreach (SUFFIX IN LISTS OpenCV_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES) if (NOT SUFFIX MATCHES "\\.2\\.0\\.0$") list (APPEND CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES "${SUFFIX}.2.0.0") endif () endforeach () endif () else () set (OpenCV_CVLIB_NAME_SUFFIX "${OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR}${OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR}${OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH}") endif () endif () # library components if (OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR GREATER 1) set (OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS core ml video calib3d contrib features2d flann gpu highgui imgproc objdetect legacy) else () set (OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS cxcore cv ml highgui cvaux) endif () if (OpenCV_COMPONENTS) foreach (__CVLIB IN LISTS OpenCV_COMPONENTS) string (REGEX REPLACE "^opencv_" "" __CVLIB__ "${__CVLIB}") list (FIND OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS ${__CVLIB__} IDX) if (IDX EQUAL -1) message (FATAL_ERROR "Unknown OpenCV library component: ${__CVLIB}" " Are you looking for OpenCV 2.0.0 or greater?" " In this case, please set OpenCV_DIR to the" " directory containing the OpenCVConfig.cmake file.") endif () list (APPEND OpenCV_COMPONENTS_REQUIRED "${__CVLIB__}") endforeach () else () set (OpenCV_COMPONENTS_REQUIRED ${OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS}) endif () # find libraries of components set (OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS) foreach (__CVLIB IN LISTS OpenCV_COMPONENTS_REQUIRED) # debug build find_library ( OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES "opencv_${__CVLIB}${OpenCV_CVLIB_NAME_SUFFIX}d" "${__CVLIB}${OpenCV_CVLIB_NAME_SUFFIX}d" PATHS "${OpenCV_DIR}/lib" NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) # release build if (APPLE AND OpenCV_DIR MATCHES "/OpenCV\\.framework/*$" AND EXISTS "${OpenCV_DIR}/OpenCV" AND NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${OpenCV_DIR}/OpenCV") find_file ( OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES OpenCV PATHS "${OpenCV_DIR}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) else () find_library ( OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES "opencv_${__CVLIB}${OpenCV_CVLIB_NAME_SUFFIX}" "${__CVLIB}${OpenCV_CVLIB_NAME_SUFFIX}" PATHS "${OpenCV_DIR}/lib" NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) endif () mark_as_advanced (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG) mark_as_advanced (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) # both debug/release if (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG AND OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) set (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY debug ${OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG} optimized ${OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) # only debug elseif (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG) set (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY ${OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) # only release elseif (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) set (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY ${OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}) # not found else () set (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY) endif() # add to list of found libraries if (OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY) list (APPEND OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS ${__CVLIB}) list (APPEND OpenCV_LIBS "${OpenCV_${__CVLIB}_LIBRARY}") endif () endforeach () # restore library suffixes set (CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES "${OpenCV_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}") # compatibility with OpenCV 2 set (OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif () # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS - required for OpenCV before version 2.1.0 if (OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR MATCHES "/opencv$" AND NOT OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS) get_filename_component (OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}" PATH) list (APPEND OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif () # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set *_FOUND to TRUE # if all listed variables are found or TRUE include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) set (OpenCV_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_FOUND TRUE) set (OpenCV_COMPONENTS_NOT_FOUND) foreach (__CVLIB IN LISTS OpenCV_COMPONENTS_REQUIRED) list (FIND OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS ${__CVLIB} IDX) if (IDX EQUAL -1) set (OpenCV_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_FOUND FALSE) list (APPEND OpenCV_COMPONENTS_NOT_FOUND ${__CVLIB}) endif () endforeach () if (NOT OpenCV_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_FOUND) if (NOT OpenCV_FIND_QUIET AND OpenCV_FIND_REQUIRED) message (FATAL_ERROR "The following required OpenCV components" " were not found: ${OpenCV_COMPONENTS_NOT_FOUND}") endif () endif () find_package_handle_standard_args ( OpenCV REQUIRED_VARS OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIR OpenCV_LIBS OpenCV_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_FOUND VERSION_VAR OpenCV_VERSION ) set (OpenCV_FOUND "${OPENCV_FOUND}") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (backward) compatibility if (OpenCV_FOUND) set (OpenCV_LIBRARIES "${OpenCV_LIBS}") endif () elseif (NOT OpenCV_FIND_QUIET AND OpenCV_FIND_REQUIRED) message (FATAL_ERROR "Please specify the OpenCV directory using OpenCV_DIR (environment) variable.") endif ()