set(CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS TRUE) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) IF(WIN32) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4.6 FATAL_ERROR) ELSE(WIN32) IF(APPLE) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6.0 FATAL_ERROR) ELSE(APPLE) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4.4 FATAL_ERROR) ENDIF(APPLE) ENDIF(WIN32) if(COMMAND cmake_policy) # Works around warnings libraries linked against that don't # have absolute paths (e.g. -lpthreads) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) # Works around warnings about escaped quotes in ADD_DEFINITIONS # statements. cmake_policy(SET CMP0005 NEW) # cmake-2.6.1 introduces policy cmp0008 decide how to treat full path libraries that do not appear to be valid library file names # quote from cvslog "Such libraries worked by accident in the VS IDE and Xcode generators in CMake 2.4 and below." if(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 4 AND ${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION} GREATER 0) cmake_policy(SET CMP0008 OLD) endif() endif() PROJECT(OpenSceneGraph) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_MAJOR_VERSION 3) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_MINOR_VERSION 0) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_PATCH_VERSION 1) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_SOVERSION 80) # set to 0 when not a release candidate, non zero means that any generated # svn tags will be treated as release candidates of given number SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_RELEASE_CANDIDATE 0) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION ${OPENSCENEGRAPH_MAJOR_VERSION}.${OPENSCENEGRAPH_MINOR_VERSION}.${OPENSCENEGRAPH_PATCH_VERSION}) SET(OSG_PLUGINS osgPlugins-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}) SET(OSG_PLUGIN_PREFIX "") IF (CYGWIN) SET(OSG_PLUGIN_PREFIX "cygwin_") ENDIF() IF(MINGW) SET(OSG_PLUGIN_PREFIX "mingw_") ENDIF() # We want to build SONAMES shared librariess SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_SONAMES TRUE) SET(OPENTHREADS_SONAMES TRUE) SET(OpenThreads_SOURCE_DIR ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}) # We have some custom .cmake scripts not in the official distribution. # Maybe this can be used override existing behavior if needed? #SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules;${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH};${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules") ## Option to enable Android build using AndroidNDK OPTION(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_ANDROID OFF) IF(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_ANDROID) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8.0 FATAL_ERROR) INCLUDE(OsgAndroidMacroUtils) SET(ANDROID TRUE) SET(ANDROID_PLATFORM 5) FIND_PACKAGE(AndroidNDK REQUIRED) SET(OSG_ANDROID_TEMPLATES "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/PlatformSpecifics/Android") SET(J "4" CACHE STRING "how many processes for make -j ") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT Android-OpenSceneGraph DEPENDS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ COMMAND "${ANDROID_NDK}/ndk-build" ARGS --directory=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} -j${J} NDK_LOG=1 ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(ndk ALL echo DEPENDS Android-OpenSceneGraph ) install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include/ PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE ) install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/ DESTINATION include/ ) install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/obj/ DESTINATION obj/ PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE PATTERN "objs" EXCLUDE ) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DANDROID) ENDIF() # Okay, here's the problem: On some platforms, linking against OpenThreads # is not enough and explicit linking to the underlying thread library # is also required (e.g. FreeBSD). But OpenThreads may be built with different # backends (Pthreads, Sproc, Windows) so we don't know what the underlying # thread library is because some platforms support multiple backends (e.g. # IRIX supports Sproc and Pthreads). Linking all libraries won't work # because the libraries may be incompatible. # So the current solution is to attempt best guess linking and exempt certain # cases. With IRIX, we're going to hope explicit linking to the underlying # library is not necessary. We currently don't case for pthreads on Windows # which might be an issue on things like Cygwin. This may need to be fixed. IF(NOT ANDROID) FIND_PACKAGE(Threads) ENDIF() IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES IRIX) # Erase CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT and hope it works SET(CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT "" CACHE INTERNAL "") ENDIF() OPTION(OSG_MAINTAINER "Enable OpenSceneGraph maintainer build methods, such as making svn branches, tags, updating ChangeLog." OFF) IF (OSG_MAINTAINER) #SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_SVN "trunk") SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_SVN "branches") SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_BRANCH OpenSceneGraph-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_MAJOR_VERSION}.${OPENSCENEGRAPH_MINOR_VERSION}) # # Provide target for tagging a release # SET(SVNCOMMAND svn) SET(SVNTRUNKDIR SET(SVNTAGDIR SET(SVNBRANCHDIR IF (OPENSCENEGRAPH_SVN STREQUAL "trunk") SET(SVNSOURCEDIR ${SVNTRUNKDIR}) ELSE() SET(SVNSOURCEDIR ${SVNBRANCHDIR}/${OPENSCENEGRAPH_BRANCH}) ENDIF() IF (OPENSCENEGRAPH_RELEASE_CANDIDATE EQUAL 0) SET(RELEASE_NAME OpenSceneGraph-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}) ELSE() SET(RELEASE_NAME OpenSceneGraph-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}-rc${OPENSCENEGRAPH_RELEASE_CANDIDATE}) ENDIF() ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(tag-test COMMAND echo ${SVNCOMMAND} copy ${SVNSOURCEDIR} ${SVNTAGDIR}/${RELEASE_NAME} -m "Release ${RELEASE_NAME}" ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(tag-run COMMAND ${SVNCOMMAND} copy ${SVNSOURCEDIR} ${SVNTAGDIR}/${RELEASE_NAME} -m "Release ${RELEASE_NAME}" ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(branch-test COMMAND echo ${SVNCOMMAND} copy ${SVNSOURCEDIR} ${SVNBRANCHDIR}/${OPENSCENEGRAPH_BRANCH} -m "Branch ${OPENSCENEGRAPH_BRANCH}" ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(branch-run COMMAND ${SVNCOMMAND} copy ${SVNSOURCEDIR} ${SVNBRANCHDIR}/${OPENSCENEGRAPH_BRANCH} -m "Branch ${OPENSCENEGRAPH_BRANCH}" ) # # Provide target for generating ChangeLog # SET(GENERATELOGS svn2cl) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(ChangeLog COMMAND ${SVNCOMMAND} update COMMAND ${GENERATELOGS} ${SVNSOURCEDIR} ) ENDIF(OSG_MAINTAINER) IF(NOT ANDROID) IF(APPLE) # Trying to get CMake to generate an XCode IPhone project, current efforts are to get iphoneos sdk 3.1 working # Added option which needs manually setting to select the IPhone SDK for building. We can only have one of the below # set to true. Should realy have an OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM variable that we set to our desired platform OPTION(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE "Enable IPhoneSDK Device support" OFF) OPTION(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE_SIMULATOR "Enable IPhoneSDK Simulator support" OFF) IF(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE OR OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) #you need to manually set the default sdk version here SET (IPHONE_SDKVER "3.2") #the below is taken from ogre, it states the gcc stuff needs to happen before PROJECT() is called. I've no clue if we even need it # Force gcc <= 4.2 on iPhone include(CMakeForceCompiler) CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER(gcc-4.2 GNU) CMAKE_FORCE_CXX_COMPILER(gcc-4.2 GNU) SET(GCC_THUMB_SUPPORT NO) #set either the device sdk or the simulator sdk. Can't find away to separate these in the same project IF(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE) SET (IPHONE_DEVROOT "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer") SET (IPHONE_SDKROOT "${IPHONE_DEVROOT}/SDKs/iPhoneOS${IPHONE_SDKVER}.sdk") ELSE() SET (IPHONE_DEVROOT "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer") SET (IPHONE_SDKROOT "${IPHONE_DEVROOT}/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator${IPHONE_SDKVER}.sdk") ENDIF() # Apple iOS: Find OpenGLES FIND_LIBRARY(OPENGLES_LIBRARY OpenGLES) ELSE () FIND_LIBRARY(CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon) FIND_LIBRARY(COCOA_LIBRARY Cocoa) # Apple OS X: Find OpenGL and AGL FIND_PACKAGE(OpenGL) FIND_LIBRARY(AGL_LIBRARY AGL) ENDIF () OPTION(OSG_COMPILE_FRAMEWORKS "compile frameworks instead of dylibs (experimental)" OFF) SET(OSG_COMPILE_FRAMEWORKS_INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@executable_path/../Frameworks" CACHE STRING "install name dir for compiled frameworks") ELSE() # Non-Apple: Find OpenGL FIND_PACKAGE(OpenGL) ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(UNIX AND NOT ANDROID) # Not sure what this will do on Cygwin and Msys # Also, remember OS X X11 is a user installed option so it may not exist. FIND_PACKAGE(X11) # Some Unicies need explicit linkage to the Math library or the build fails. FIND_LIBRARY(MATH_LIBRARY m) FIND_LIBRARY(DL_LIBRARY dl) IF(NOT DL_LIBRARY) SET(DL_LIBRARY "") # change from NOTFOUND to empty when passed to linker ENDIF() IF( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux" ) FIND_LIBRARY( RT_LIBRARY rt ) ENDIF( CMAKE_SYSTEM MATCHES "Linux" ) ENDIF() INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) # Make the headers visible to everything IF(NOT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} EQUAL ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include) ENDIF() # Common global definitions #ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D) # Platform specific definitions IF(WIN32 AND NOT ANDROID) IF(MSVC) # This option is to enable the /MP switch for Visual Studio 2005 and above compilers OPTION(WIN32_USE_MP "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with the /MP option (Visual Studio 2005 and above)." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WIN32_USE_MP) IF(WIN32_USE_MP) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /MP") ENDIF(WIN32_USE_MP) # turn off various warnings # foreach(warning 4244 4251 4267 4275 4290 4786 4305 4996) # SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /wd${warning}") # endforeach(warning) # This option is to enable the /DYNAMICBASE switch # It is used to workaround a bug in Windows 7 when linking in release, which results in corrupt # binaries. See this page for details: OPTION(WIN32_USE_DYNAMICBASE "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with the /DYNAMICBASE option to work around a bug when linking release executables on Windows 7." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(WIN32_USE_DYNAMICBASE) IF(WIN32_USE_DYNAMICBASE) SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /DYNAMICBASE") ENDIF(WIN32_USE_DYNAMICBASE) # More MSVC specific compilation flags ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) OPTION(MSVC_DISABLE_CHECKED_ITERATORS "Set to ON to disable Visual C++ checked iterators. If you do this you must ensure that every other project in your solution and all dependencies are compiled with _SECURE_SCL=0." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(MSVC_DISABLE_CHECKED_ITERATORS) IF(MSVC_DISABLE_CHECKED_ITERATORS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_SECURE_SCL=0) ENDIF(MSVC_DISABLE_CHECKED_ITERATORS) OPTION(MSVC_USE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE "Set to ON to use the default Visual C++ stack size. CMake forces a high stack size by default, which can cause problems for applications with large number of threads." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(MSVC_USE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE) IF(MSVC_USE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/STACK:[0-9]+" "" CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/STACK:[0-9]+" "" CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/STACK:[0-9]+" "" CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS}") ENDIF(MSVC_USE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE) ENDIF() #needed for net plugin SET (OSG_SOCKET_LIBS wsock32) # Both Cygwin and Msys need -DNOMINMAX ??? IF(UNIX) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DNOMINMAX) ENDIF() ######################################################################################################## # the following options are MSVC specific, # the first OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL activate a custom build-time layout that should allow to run examples and application # fron bin folder without requiring installation step. # it also prepend "osg${OPENSCENEGRAPH_SOVERSION}-" to only .dll files, leaving .lib files untouched in lib # it also use a hack to get rid of Debug and Release folder in MSVC projects # all the .dll and .pdb are in bin and all the .lib and .exp are in lib # # the second option disable incremental linking in debug build , that is enabled by default by CMake ########################################################################################################## IF(MSVC) IF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION} EQUAL 2 AND ${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} EQUAL 4 AND ${CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION} LESS 7) MESSAGE("Warning: disabling versioned options 2.4.6 exibits inconsintencies in .pdb naming, at least under MSVC, suggested upgrading at least to 2.4.7") SET(OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL OFF) SET(OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK ON) ELSE() OPTION(OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with versioned dll names" ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL) OPTION(OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK "Set to OFF to build OpenSceneGraph without incremental linking in debug (release is off by default)" ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK) IF(NOT OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK) SET(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "/debug /INCREMENTAL:NO") SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "/debug /INCREMENTAL:NO") SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG "/debug /INCREMENTAL:NO") ENDIF(NOT OSG_MSVC_DEBUG_INCREMENTAL_LINK) ENDIF() ENDIF(MSVC) ENDIF(WIN32 AND NOT ANDROID) ######################################################################################################## ##### these were settings located in SetupCommon.cmake used in Luigi builds.... find out what are useful ######################################################################################################## #luigi#SET(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE TRUE) #luigi#SET(CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH TRUE) #luigi#SET(CMAKE_SKIP_RULE_DEPENDENCY TRUE) #luigi#IF(UNIX) #luigi# LIST_CONTAINS(contains "g++" ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LIST}) #luigi# IF (contains) #luigi# MESSAGE(${MY_MESSAGE_DEFAULT} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} setting CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to g++") #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "g++") #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LOADED 2) #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS 2) #luigi# ENDIF (contains) #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") #luigi# SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-ggdb -gstabs") #luigi#ENDIF(UNIX) ######################################################################################################## OPTION(OSG_NOTIFY_DISABLED "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with the notify() disabled." OFF) OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_MATRIX "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float Matrix instead of double." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_MATRIX) OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_PLANE "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float Plane instead of double." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_PLANE) OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGSPHERE "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float BoundingSphere instead of double." ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGSPHERE) OPTION(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGBOX "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph with float BoundingBox instead of double." ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_FLOAT_BOUNDINGBOX) IF (WIN32) OPTION(OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME "Set to ON to use a UTF8 locale for filenames instead of the default locale." OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME) ENDIF() OPTION(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS "Set to OFF to not disable MSVC warnings generated by OSG headers." ON) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS) OPTION(OSG_USE_REF_PTR_IMPLICIT_OUTPUT_CONVERSION "Set to ON to use the ref_ptr<> T* operator() output conversion. " ON) OPTION(OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL 1.x functions library." ON) OPTION(OSG_GL2_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL 2.x functions library." ON) OPTION(OSG_GL3_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL 3.x functions library." OFF) OPTION(OSG_GLES1_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL ES 1.x functions library." OFF) OPTION(OSG_GLES2_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL ES 2.x functions library." OFF) OPTION(OSG_GL_LIBRARY_STATIC "Set to ON to statically link with OpenGL/GLES library." OFF) SET(OPENGL_egl_LIBRARY CACHE STRING "Set the OpenGL egl library.") # SET(OSG_GL_DISPLAYLISTS_AVAILABLE ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) # SET(OSG_GL_MATRICES_AVAILABLE ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) # SET(OSG_GL_VERTEX_FUNCS_AVAILABLE ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) # SET(OSG_GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_FUNCS_AVAILABLE ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) # SET(OSG_GL_FIXED_FUNCTION_AVAILABLE ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) OPTION(OSG_GL_DISPLAYLISTS_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL display lists." ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) OPTION(OSG_GL_MATRICES_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL built-in matrices." ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) OPTION(OSG_GL_VERTEX_FUNCS_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL vertex functions such as glVertex/glColor etc." ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) OPTION(OSG_GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_FUNCS_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL vertex functions such as glVertex/glColor etc." ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) OPTION(OSG_GL_FIXED_FUNCTION_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable use of OpenGL fixed function pipeline." ${OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE}) OPTION(OSG_CPP_EXCEPTIONS_AVAILABLE "Set to OFF to disable compile of OSG components that use C++ exceptions." ON) ################################################################################ # Set Config file SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_CONFIG_HEADER "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/osg/Config") CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/osg/" "${OPENSCENEGRAPH_CONFIG_HEADER}") SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION_HEADER "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/osg/Version") CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/osg/" "${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION_HEADER}") # INSTALL_FILES(/include/osg/ FILES "${OPENSCENEGRAPH_CONFIG_HEADER}") ################################################################################ # Set Version Info resource file IF(MSVC) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSIONINFO_RC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/PlatformSpecifics/Windows/OpenSceneGraphVersionInfo.rc") CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/PlatformSpecifics/Windows/" "${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSIONINFO_RC}") ENDIF() ################################################################################ # Optional build components # OSG Applications OPTION(BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS "Enable to build OSG Applications (e.g. osgviewer)" ON) # OSG Examples OPTION(BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES "Enable to build OSG Examples" OFF) ################################################################################ # 3rd Party Dependency Stuff IF(WIN32 AND NOT ANDROID) INCLUDE(Find3rdPartyDependencies) ENDIF() IF(ANDROID) ANDROID_3RD_PARTY() ELSE() # Common to all platforms except android: FIND_PACKAGE(FreeType) FIND_PACKAGE(Inventor) FIND_PACKAGE(Jasper) FIND_PACKAGE(OpenEXR) FIND_PACKAGE(COLLADA) FIND_PACKAGE(FBX) FIND_PACKAGE(ZLIB) FIND_PACKAGE(Xine) FIND_PACKAGE(OpenVRML) FIND_PACKAGE(Performer) FIND_PACKAGE(GDAL) FIND_PACKAGE(CURL) FIND_PACKAGE(ITK) FIND_PACKAGE(LibVNCServer) FIND_PACKAGE(OurDCMTK) FIND_PACKAGE(OpenAL) FIND_PACKAGE(FFmpeg) FIND_PACKAGE(DirectShow) FIND_PACKAGE(SDL) FIND_PACKAGE(Poppler-glib) FIND_PACKAGE(RSVG) FIND_PACKAGE(GtkGl) FIND_PACKAGE(DirectInput) FIND_PACKAGE(NVTT) ENDIF() # Include macro utilities here INCLUDE(OsgMacroUtils) IF(NOT ANDROID) # To select a specific version of QT define DESIRED_QT_VERSION # via cmake -DDESIRED_QT_VERSION=4 IF (DESIRED_QT_VERSION) IF (DESIRED_QT_VERSION MATCHES 4) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4) ELSE() FIND_PACKAGE(Qt3) ENDIF() ELSE() FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4) IF (NOT QT4_FOUND) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt3) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDIF(NOT ANDROID) #optional example related dependencies IF (BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES AND NOT ANDROID) FIND_PACKAGE(FLTK) FIND_PACKAGE(GLUT) FIND_PACKAGE(FOX) SET(wxWidgets_USE_LIBS base core gl net) FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets) ENDIF(BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES AND NOT ANDROID) # Platform specific: # (We can approach this one of two ways. We can try to FIND everything # and simply check if we found the packages before actually building # or we can hardcode the cases. The advantage of the former is that # packages that are installed on platforms that don't require them # will still get built (presuming no compatibility issues). But this # also means modules that are redundant may get built. For example, # OS X doesn't need GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc because it uses QuickTime. # Also, it will clutter the CMake menu with "NOT_FOUND". # The downside to the latter is that it is harder to build those # potentially redundant modules.) # Image readers/writers depend on 3rd party libraries except for OS X which # can use Quicktime. IF(NOT ANDROID) IF(NOT APPLE) FIND_PACKAGE(GIFLIB) FIND_PACKAGE(JPEG) FIND_PACKAGE(PNG) FIND_PACKAGE(TIFF) # QuickTime is required for OS X, but optional for Windows. IF(WIN32) FIND_PACKAGE(QuickTime) ENDIF() ELSE() FIND_PACKAGE(QuickTime) FIND_PACKAGE(QTKit) FIND_PACKAGE(CoreVideo) ENDIF() ENDIF() ################################################################################ # Create bin and lib directories if required IF("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/${OSG_PLUGINS}) ENDIF() ################################################################################ # Installation stuff SET(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d" CACHE STRING "add a postfix, usually d on windows") SET(CMAKE_RELEASE_POSTFIX "" CACHE STRING "add a postfix, usually empty on windows") SET(CMAKE_RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX "rd" CACHE STRING "add a postfix, usually empty on windows") SET(CMAKE_MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX "s" CACHE STRING "add a postfix, usually empty on windows") # Set the build postfix extension according to what configuration is being built. IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Release") SET(CMAKE_BUILD_POSTFIX "${CMAKE_RELEASE_POSTFIX}") ELSEIF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "MinSizeRel") SET(CMAKE_BUILD_POSTFIX "${CMAKE_MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX}") ELSEIF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "RelWithDebInfo") SET(CMAKE_BUILD_POSTFIX "${CMAKE_RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX}") ELSEIF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug") SET(CMAKE_BUILD_POSTFIX "${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}") ELSE() SET(CMAKE_BUILD_POSTFIX "") ENDIF() IF(UNIX AND NOT WIN32) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -D_DEBUG") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -D_DEBUG") ENDIF() IF(CYGWIN) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -D_DEBUG") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -D_DEBUG") ENDIF() IF(UNIX AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) IF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") SET(LIB_POSTFIX "64" CACHE STRING "suffix for 32/64 dir placement") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(LIB_POSTFIX) ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(NOT DEFINED LIB_POSTFIX) SET(LIB_POSTFIX "") ENDIF() # Here we apparantly do some funky stuff with making the bin/ and lib/ # folders which is probably needed to work around a very old CMake bug? #SET(OUTPUT_BINDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) SET(OUTPUT_BINDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) IF(MSVC AND NOT MSVC_IDE) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_BINDIR}/${OSG_PLUGINS}) ENDIF(MSVC AND NOT MSVC_IDE) #SET(OUTPUT_LIBDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) SET(OUTPUT_LIBDIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) IF(NOT MSVC OR MSVC_IDE) MAKE_DIRECTORY(${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}/${OSG_PLUGINS}) ENDIF(NOT MSVC OR MSVC_IDE) # On CMake 2.4.x use EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH and LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH and later # we work around the DLL placement by use of the PREFIX target property hack # # On CMake 2.6.x use the newly minted CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, # CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY & CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY # # CMake >= 2.8.1 changed the output directory algorithm (See doc). # Here we also set per-configuration directories (CMAKE_*_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_), or else binaries are generated in /bin/Debug and /bin/Release, etc. with MSVC and Xcode. # (Doc reads "multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT append a per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory"). # The workaround for 2.6.x (adding "../" as an output prefix for each target) seem to have no effect in >=2.8.1, so there is no need to change this. IF(CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL 2 AND CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION LESS 5) # If CMake < 2.6.0 SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) SET(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) ELSE() # If CMake >= 2.6.0 SET(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) IF(WIN32) SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_BINDIR}) ELSE(WIN32) SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}) ENDIF(WIN32) # Testing CMAKE_VERSION is possible in >= 2.6.4 only BUILDER_VERSION_GREATER(2 8 0) IF(VALID_BUILDER_VERSION) # If CMake >= 2.8.1 FOREACH(CONF ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) # For each configuration (Debug, Release, MinSizeRel... and/or anything the user chooses) STRING(TOUPPER "${CONF}" CONF) # Go uppercase (DEBUG, RELEASE...) SET("CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${CONF}" "${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}") SET("CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${CONF}" "${OUTPUT_BINDIR}") IF(WIN32) SET("CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${CONF}" "${OUTPUT_BINDIR}") ELSE() SET("CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${CONF}" "${OUTPUT_LIBDIR}") ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() ENDIF(VALID_BUILDER_VERSION) ENDIF() #SET(INSTALL_BINDIR OpenSceneGraph/bin) #SET(INSTALL_INCDIR OpenSceneGraph/include) #SET(INSTALL_LIBDIR OpenSceneGraph/lib) #SET(INSTALL_DOCDIR OpenSceneGraph/doc) ################################################################################ # User Options # Expose CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIBARY_PATH to the GUI so users # may set these values without needing to manipulate the environment. SET(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} CACHE STRING "You may add additional search paths here. Use ; to separate multiple paths.") SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} CACHE STRING "You may add additional search paths here. Use ; to separate multiple paths.") # We are proposing that a new variable called CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH be introduced # to CMake to compliment CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. # A formal feature request has been submited to CMake, Bug #4947. # It is intended for those users who have common prefixes for their INCLUDE # and LIBRARY locations. So if users have headers in /usr/local/include # and libraries in /usr/local/lib, the common prefix is /usr/local. # It should also cover the case where headers and libraries are # in the same directory. # Our proposal expects that FIND_* commands will automatically search for # CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH right after CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH or CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. # Obviously, since CMake does not currently support this, we must write # our Find*.cmake modules to explicitly support this. Otherwise, this variable # will have no impact. # This is unofficial so this may be removed or changed at anytime. SET(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} CACHE STRING "(EXPERIMENTAL) You may add additional search paths here. Use ; to separate multiple paths.") # This is for an advanced option to give aggressive warnings # under different compilers. If yours is not implemented, this option # will not be made available. IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # To be complete, we might also do GNUCC flags, # but everything here is C++ code. # -Wshadow and -Woverloaded-virtual are also interesting flags, but OSG # returns too many hits. # FYI, if we do implement GNUCC, then -Wmissing-prototypes in another # interesting C-specific flag. # Also, there is a bug in gcc 4.0. Under C++, -pedantic will create # errors instead of warnings for certain issues, including superfluous # semicolons and commas, and the use of long long. -fpermissive seems # to be the workaround. SET(OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS -Wall -Wparentheses -Wno-long-long -Wno-import -pedantic -Wreturn-type -Wmissing-braces -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunused -fpermissive) # Previous included -Wformat=2 in OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS but had to remove it due to standard library errors ELSE() IF(MSVC) # FIXME: What are good aggressive warning flags for Visual Studio? # And do we need to further subcase this for different versions of VS? # CMake variables: MSVC60, MSVC70, MSVC71, MSVC80, CMAKE_COMPILER_2005 SET(OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS /W4 /wd4706 /wd4127 /wd4100) ELSE() # CMake lacks an elseif, so other non-gcc, non-VS compilers need # to be listed below. If unhandled, OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS should # remain unset. ENDIF() ENDIF() # This part is for the CMake menu option to toggle the warnings on/off. # This will only be made available if we set values for OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS. IF(OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS) IF (APPLE) SET(DEFAULT_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS OFF) ELSE() SET(DEFAULT_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS ON) ENDIF() OPTION(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS "Enable to activate aggressive warnings" ${DEFAULT_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS}) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) IF(OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS) # Add flags defined by OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS if they aren't already there FOREACH(flag ${OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS}) IF(NOT CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES "${flag}") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${flag}") ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() ELSE() # Remove all flags considered aggresive FOREACH(flag ${OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "${flag}" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() ENDIF() # Dynamic vs Static Linking OPTION(DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH "Set to ON to build OpenSceneGraph for dynamic linking. Use OFF for static." ON) IF (DYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH) SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC "SHARED") ELSE () SET(OPENSCENEGRAPH_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC "STATIC") ENDIF() # OSG Core ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(src) IF (BUILD_OSG_APPLICATIONS AND NOT ANDROID) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(applications) ENDIF() IF (BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(examples) ENDIF() IF(APPLE) #Here we check if the user specified IPhone SDK IF(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE OR OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) #set iphone arch and flags taken from IF(OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_IPHONE) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "armv6;armv7" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for iOS" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -miphoneos-version-min=3.1 -mno-thumb -arch armv6 -pipe -no-cpp-precomp" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ELSE() #simulator uses i386 architectures SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "i386" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for iOS Simulator" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mno-thumb -arch i386 -pipe -no-cpp-precomp" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ENDIF() #here we set the specific iphone sdk version. We can only set either device or simulator sdk. So if you want both you currently have to have two seperate projects SET(CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT "${IPHONE_SDKROOT}" CACHE STRING "System root for iOS" FORCE) #hack, force link to opengles set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-framework Foundation -framework OpenGLES") #use the IPhone windowing system SET(OSG_WINDOWING_SYSTEM "IOS" CACHE STRING "Forced IPhone windowing system on iOS" FORCE) SET(OSG_DEFAULT_IMAGE_PLUGIN_FOR_OSX "imageio" CACHE STRING "Forced imageio default image plugin for iOS" FORCE) #I think this or similar will be required for IPhone apps OPTION(OSG_BUILD_APPLICATION_BUNDLES "Enable the building of applications and examples as OSX Bundles" ON) ELSE() # Set defaults for Universal Binaries. We want 32-bit Intel/PPC on 10.4 # and 32/64-bit Intel/PPC on >= 10.5. Anything <= 10.3 doesn't support. # These are just defaults/recommendations, but how we want to build # out of the box. But the user needs to be able to change these options. # So we must only set the values the first time CMake is run, or we # will overwrite any changes the user sets. # FORCE is used because the options are not reflected in the UI otherwise. # Seems like a good place to add version specific compiler flags too. IF(NOT OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) # This is really fragile, but CMake doesn't provide the OS system # version information we need. (Darwin versions can be changed # independently of OS X versions.) # It does look like CMake handles the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT automatically. IF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk) # 64-bit compiles are not supported with Carbon. We should enable # 64-bit compilation by default once osgviewer has been # rewritten with Cocoa. #SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386;ppc64;x86_64" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -ftree-vectorize -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ELSEIF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "ppc;i386" CACHE STRING "Build architectures for OSX" FORCE) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -ftree-vectorize -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE) ELSE() # No Universal Binary support # Should break down further to set the -mmacosx-version-min, # but the SDK detection is too unreliable here. ENDIF() ENDIF(NOT OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) OPTION(OSG_BUILD_APPLICATION_BUNDLES "Enable the building of applications and examples as OSX Bundles" OFF) ENDIF() ENDIF(APPLE) # For Doxygen INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Documentation.cmake OPTIONAL) OPTION(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build OpenSceneGraph reference documentation using doxygen (use: make DoxygenDoc)" OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CLEAR BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) # To build the documention, you will have to enable it # and then do the equivalent of "make DoxygenDoc". IF(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) OPTION(BUILD_REF_DOCS_SEARCHENGINE "Enable doxygen's search engine (requires that documentation to be installed on a php enabled web server)" OFF) IF(BUILD_REF_DOCS_SEARCHENGINE) SET(SEARCHENGINE YES) ELSE() SET(SEARCHENGINE NO) ENDIF() OPTION(BUILD_REF_DOCS_TAGFILE "Generate a tag file named osg.tag on the documentation web server" OFF) IF(BUILD_REF_DOCS_TAGFILE) SET(GENERATE_TAGFILE "${OpenSceneGraph_BINARY_DIR}/doc/OpenSceneGraphReferenceDocs/osg.tag") ELSE() SET(GENERATE_TAGFILE "") ENDIF() IF(DOT) SET(HAVE_DOT YES) ELSE() SET(HAVE_DOT NO) ENDIF() # If html help generation was requested. DOCUMENTATION_HTML_HELP is defined by Documentation.cmake SET(GENERATE_HTMLHELP "NO") IF(DOCUMENTATION_HTML_HELP) # on windows Documentation.cmake finds the html help workshop fi it exists. On u*ix we might have it with wine but no way to point it out IF(NOT WIN32) SET(HTML_HELP_COMPILER "" CACHE FILEPATH "Enter location of the HTML help compiler to let doxygen compile html") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(HTML_HELP_COMPILER) ENDIF() # this var sets a proper value in .doxygen files when coniguring them below SET(GENERATE_HTMLHELP "YES") endif() # This processes our doxyfile.cmake and substitutes paths to generate # a final Doxyfile CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfiles/doxyfile.cmake ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/openscenegraph.doxyfile ) # copy the osg logo to documentations target folder CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/PlatformSpecifics/Windows/icons/src/osg32-32.png ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/OpenSceneGraphReferenceDocs/osg32-32.png COPYONLY ) #INSTALL(FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/${PROJECT_NAME}ReferenceDocs-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}.chm DESTINATION doc OPTIONAL COMPONENT openscenegraph-doc) INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/OpenSceneGraphReferenceDocs DESTINATION doc COMPONENT openscenegraph-doc) # now set up openthreads documentation generation IF(BUILD_REF_DOCS_TAGFILE) SET(GENERATE_TAGFILE "${OpenSceneGraph_BINARY_DIR}/doc/OpenThreadsReferenceDocs/ot.tag") ENDIF() # This processes our openthreads.doxyfile.cmake and generate a final doxyfile CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfiles/openthreads.doxyfile.cmake ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/openthreads.doxyfile ) # copy the osg logo to documentations target folder CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/PlatformSpecifics/Windows/icons/src/osg32-32.png ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/OpenThreadsReferenceDocs/osg32-32.png COPYONLY ) #INSTALL(FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/${PROJECT_NAME}ReferenceDocs-${OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION}.chm DESTINATION doc OPTIONAL COMPONENT openscenegraph-doc) INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/OpenThreadsReferenceDocs DESTINATION doc COMPONENT openthreads-doc) # Process our other doxyfiles but don't create targets for these CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfiles/all_Doxyfile ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/all_Doxyfile) CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfiles/auto_Doxyfile ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/auto_Doxyfile) CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfiles/core_Doxyfile ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/core_Doxyfile) # This creates a new target to build documentation. # It runs ${DOXYGEN} which is the full path and executable to # Doxygen on your system, set by the FindDoxygen.cmake module # (called by FindDocumentation.cmake). # It runs the final generated Doxyfile against it. # The DOT_PATH is substituted into the Doxyfile. ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(doc_openscenegraph ${DOXYGEN} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/openscenegraph.doxyfile ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(doc_openscenegraph PROPERTIES FOLDER "Documentation") ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(doc_openthreads ${DOXYGEN} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doc/openthreads.doxyfile ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(doc_openthreads PROPERTIES FOLDER "Documentation") ENDIF(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) OPTION(BUILD_DASHBOARD_REPORTS "Set to ON to activate reporting of OpenSceneGraph builds here" OFF) IF(BUILD_DASHBOARD_REPORTS) # The following are required to uses Dart and the Cdash dashboard # viewable here : INCLUDE(Dart) ENDIF() # present the packaging option only if we have the cpack command defined (effectively >= 2.6.0) IF(CMAKE_CPACK_COMMAND) OPTION(BUILD_OSG_PACKAGES "Set to ON to generate CPack configuration files and packaging targets" OFF) IF(BUILD_OSG_PACKAGES) INCLUDE(OsgCPack) ENDIF() ENDIF() # Generate pkg-config configuration files SET(PKGCONFIG_FILES openscenegraph openscenegraph-osg openscenegraph-osgDB openscenegraph-osgFX openscenegraph-osgGA openscenegraph-osgParticle openscenegraph-osgSim openscenegraph-osgText openscenegraph-osgUtil openscenegraph-osgTerrain openscenegraph-osgManipulator openscenegraph-osgViewer openscenegraph-osgWidget openscenegraph-osgShadow openscenegraph-osgAnimation openscenegraph-osgVolume ) IF(QT4_FOUND) SET(PKGCONFIG_FILES ${PKGCONFIG_FILES} openscenegraph-osgQt) ENDIF(QT4_FOUND) FOREACH(PKGCONFIG_FILE ${PKGCONFIG_FILES}) CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/pkgconfig/${PKGCONFIG_FILE} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/pkgconfig/${PKGCONFIG_FILE}.pc @ONLY ) INSTALL(FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/pkgconfig/${PKGCONFIG_FILE}.pc DESTINATION lib${LIB_POSTFIX}/pkgconfig COMPONENT libopenscenegraph-dev) ENDFOREACH(PKGCONFIG_FILE) # Run this as late as possible so users can easier spot the message IF (NOT DEFINED REQUIRES_LIBPATH_MESSAGE AND ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} STREQUAL "/usr/local") SET(REQUIRES_LIBPATH_MESSAGE ON) ENDIF() IF(REQUIRES_LIBPATH_MESSAGE) IF (NOT OSG_LIBPATH_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) SET(OSG_LIBPATH_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Flag to track whether the libpath message has been reported before") MESSAGE("\nThe build system is configured to install libraries to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib${LIB_POSTFIX}\n" "Your applications may not be able to find your installed libraries unless you:\n" " set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (user specific) or\n" " update your configuration (system wide)") IF(IS_DIRECTORY /etc/ MESSAGE("You have an directory on your system, so if you wish to ensure that\n" "applications find the installed osg libraries, system wide, you could install an\n" "OpenSceneGraph specific configuration with:\n" " sudo make install_ld_conf\n") CONFIGURE_FILE(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/ ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(install_ld_conf ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/ /etc/ COMMAND ldconfig COMMENT "Copying openscenegraph.conf to /etc/ and running ldconfig" ) ELSE() IF(EXISTS /etc/ MESSAGE("You have an file in /etc, if you wish to ensure \n" "that applications find the installed osg libraries, system wide, you\n" "could add ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib${LIB_POSTFIX} to it.") ENDIF() ENDIF() # emit a message during installation. INSTALL(CODE "MESSAGE(\"Libraries were installed to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}lib${LIB_POSTFIX}.\\nYou may need to update your configuration. \")") ENDIF(NOT OSG_LIBPATH_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) ELSE() SET(OSG_LIBPATH_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE 0 CACHE INTERNAL "Flag to track whether the libpath message has been reported before") ENDIF() # This needs to be run very last so other parts of the scripts can take # advantage of this. IF(NOT OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) SET(OSG_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Flag to track whether this is the first time running CMake or if CMake has been configured before") ENDIF() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### uninstall target #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURE_FILE( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake") # IF(ANDROID) message(STATUS "Creating Android Makefile Master files" ) configure_file("${OSG_ANDROID_TEMPLATES}/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/") configure_file("${OSG_ANDROID_TEMPLATES}/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/") configure_file("${OSG_ANDROID_TEMPLATES}/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/AndroidManifest.xml") ENDIF(ANDROID)