#from http://www.bzip.org/ #this imports variables here PackageSetup() FIND_PROGRAM(Bunzip_EXECUTABLE bunzip2 bunzip DOC "bunzip executable" ${Package_search_hints} ) if(Bunzip_EXECUTABLE) message("found bunzip, skipping external") else() message("bunzip NOT FOUND, inserting external") if(WIN32) #### here we download the binary package, as bzip2 does not currently support building under windows..... sic ExternalProject_Add( ${PACKAGE} #WARNING!!!! this way zip file directly expand into install/bin dir == source dir DOWNLOAD_DIR ${EXTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_BASE_SOURCE}/${PACKAGE}/${VERSION}/win32_bin_download SOURCE_DIR ${EXTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_COMMON_PREFIX} #MD5 a1155c41b1954a2f6da1014c7c1a1263 URL http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/project/gnuwin32/bzip2/1.0.5/bzip2-1.0.5-bin.zip INSTALL_COMMAND "" CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "" ) #### add install step here (copy????) else() message("Still to implement ${PACKAGE} building under linux") endif() endif() #ExternalProject_Add( # ${PACKAGE} # ${Package_std_dirs} # URL http://www.bzip.org/1.0.5/bzip2-1.0.5.tar.gz # PATCH_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${Package_Dir}/Patch/CMakeLists.txt" /CMakeLists.txt # DEPENDS zlib # CMAKE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} # CMAKE_ARGS # ${Package_std_cmake_args} #) #