A Production Pipeline

for cultural heritage movies

Computer graphics productions for Cultural Heritage purposes suffer usually from limited budgets. The optimisation of the prodution pipeline is therefore mandatory for squizing the most from tiny economic resources. Cineca has successfully adopted a production pipeline centered on Blender since its first educational short movie, “Apa the Etruscan”, further improved with its spin-off “Ati”, about the Southern Etruscan region and the Temple of Veii. The availability of Cookie Flex Rig characters cut significantly down the time of production, enabling to concentrate only on adaptating them to the philological needs of museum curators. Improved production pipeline and ready-made characters have been mixed with less modelling and more laser data acquisitions, helped in this choice by new released open-source 1.3.2 Meshlab tool and its better integration within Blender. This improved pipeline facilitate cross-media productions that, in our current experience, range from a new educational game to 3D printing.

While our experience come from a specific field of application, it shares many aspect with any Indie (low budget) production, and we hope it could be of general interest.

Presentation Outline

Peculiarity of the Cultural Heritage context

Overall Scheme

At this level our pipeline scheme is not different from the scheme of any Indy Production

Generating Terrains from GIS data

a sample of an elaborated terrain

Generating Cities by Procedural Modeling

reconstruction of the city of Bologna in present time

Acquiring Models with Laser Scan techniques

Setting up a RenderFarm

render task scheme


Sample anaglyph

Planning the work

Tools for Collaboration

Production Workflow

Our Previous Experience:

the APA short movie

15 minutes short movie, 20 location, 100 shot,

Apa: the main character

Apa is projected everyday in its dedicated theater at the Museum of the History of Bologna - Genus Bononiae

More production details here
First three minutes of the movie: Youtube
Making-of part two: Youtube (English subtitles)
Making-of part one: Youtube (Italian spoken)
Making-of part two: Youtube (Italian spoken)

Incoming improvements for ATI, Cineca new short movie

Character creation

Evolution of ATI, the etruscan main character of our new short movie

Steps towards tool integration

Improved Workflow for Laser Scan Data

Virtual restoration (left) and laser acquisition of the original frieze (right)

RenderFarm enhancements

Digital Libraries and Asset Metadata


Apa Game

Educational point-and-click adventure game set in Medieval and Roman Bologna

Roman environment - bounding box setting (work in progress)

3D Printing

3D printing for possible gadgets and merchandising

3D printing first experiments: the Sarcophagus of the Spouses and Ati