Pizza Designer
Pizza Designer is a project committed by ItalPizza, a leading manufacturer operating world-wide, developed at Cineca and entirely based on Blender.
Pizza Designer serves two different purposes:
- Aiding Italpizza R&D in the development of new recipes, allowing to dress a choosen pizza-dough base with any combination of the available 3D modelled toppings. Amount and placement of ingredients can be edited. The user interaction is simple and suitable to people without experience in 3D modeling or Blender.
During the whole process, Pizza Designer provides an accurate 3D interactive representation of the resulting real pizza. To further enhance the final visual quality, baked shadows and ambient occlusion are possible.
The program interoperates with the R&D informative system by storing and retrieving recipes and computing costs and nutritional facts;
- Marketing: Pizza Designer can be scripted to perform a rolling demo on projected surfaces or used with tablet/touchscreen.
Besides the visual quality, Italpizza appreciated: portability of the Application, not requiring dongles or licenses, quick development (2 months, three persons) and usability (Blender complexity hidden behind custom UI).
To us Blender offered an easy solution for creating an ad-hoc application for industrial needs.
Technical information:
- Developed into Blender 2.64
- The user can save and reload the pizza recipies
- Actually provides 10 bases and more than 30 ingredients
- Every ingredient is appended and detached by the script into the main scene
- Each ingredient is editable in every single element, such as quantity, dimension, arrangement and placement
- Every ingredient is automatically adapted to the surface displacement of the pizza’s base through a displacement modifiers system
- The Pizza Shadow Baking system uses the internal bake engine of Blender and adapt it to our purpose
- Antonella Guidazzoli, producer
- Daniele Cocilova, producer
- Silvano Imboden, technical director and lead programmer
- Francesca Delli Ponti, 3D modeling
- Daniele De Luca, lead artist and scripting
Demo video - january 2013
Sample stills:

Speck e Rucola

Cotto Funghi e Mozzarella

Peperoni salame e Olive

Focaccia al Prosciutto Cotto

made with Blender