Instructions to Configure and Run Quantum ESPRESSO Benchmarks 1 - Brief Description of Quantum ESPRESSO Quantum ESPRESSO ( is an integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modelling, based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials (norm-conserving, ultrasoft, and projector-augmented wave). Quantum ESPRESSO stands for opEn Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation, and Optimization. It is freely available to researchers around the world under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Quantum ESPRESSO builds upon newly restructured electronic-structure codes that have been developed and tested by some of the original authors of novel electronic-structure algorithms and applied in the last twenty years by some of the leading materials modelling groups worldwide. Innovation and efficiency are still its main focus, with special attention paid to massively parallel architectures, and a great effort being devoted to user friendliness. Quantum ESPRESSO is evolving towards a istribution of independent and inter-operable codes in the spirit of an open-source project, where researchers active in the field of electronic-structure calculations are encouraged to participate in the project by contributing their own codes or by implementing their own ideas into existing codes. Quantum ESPRESSO is written mostly in Fortran90, and parallelised using MPI and OpenMP. 2 - Download and Install Quantum ESPRESSO Benchmark Suite For this benchmark suite latest version of Quantum ESPRESSO 5.2.0 will be used. The code is publicly available from the Quantum ESPRESSO web site, or from the download pages of the developers portal ( No authentication/registration is required. Quantum ESPRESSO distribution's tar balls of the source code is available at site: Links for the download and installation instruction pages for GPU enabled version and Intel Phi version are available at the same page. QE is self contained, nevertheless to obtain an optimal performance usually it is better to link the code with external standard libraries: BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, BLACS/SCALAPACK (for parallel build). For the installation instruction please refere to the Installation section of the "User's Guide for QUANTUM ESPRESSO" at the link: If everything goes fine you should find the executable "pw.x" in the directory espresso-5.2.0/bin 3 - List and Purpose of Datasets Two datasets are provided together with this benchmark: a small one (AUSURF.tar) to be used to run benchmarks inside a single node (or device) and as a test bed for code change; and a large one (GRIR686.tar) to run benchmarks on many nodes. 4 - Run the Benchmarks Quantum Espresso reads many command line parameters to control the internal distribution of data structure as well as standard input. For parallel execution Quantum ESPRESSO require the use of a system launcher command (e.g. mpirun or mpiexec) to distribute the instance of Quantum ESPRESSO on different nodes. Relevant command line parameters for this benchmark are: -input MY_INPUT_FILE tells Quantum ESPRESSO to read input from MY_INPUT_FILE) -npool P (tells Quantum ESPRESSO to use P pools to distribute data. P should be less or equal the number of k-points, and maximum scalability is usually reached with P exactly equal to the number of k-points. You can read the output to find out the number of k-points of your system) -ntg T (tells Quantum ESPRESSO to use T task groups to distribute FFT. Usually optimal performance can be reached with T ranging from 2 to 8) -ndiag D (tells Quantum ESPRESSO to use D processors to perform parallel linear algebra computation, ScalaPACK. D can range from 1 to the maximum number of MPI tasks, the optima value for D depend on the bandwidth and latency of your network). Below are reported possible command lines to execute QE: AUSURF test-case (MPI) a) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1; mpirun -np 16 $QE_PATH/bin/pw.x \ -ntg 2 -npool 2 -input > ausurf.out GRIR686 test-case (MPI & OpenMP) a) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1; mpirun -np 512 $QE_PATH/bin/pw.x \ -ntg 2 -npool 2 -input > grir686.out b) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4; mpirun -np 512 $QE_PATH/bin/pw.x \ -ntg 4 -ndiag 64 -npool 8 -input > grir686.out So download the input dataset tar file and extract it in a working directory, then in the same directory launch the command to execute the benchmark. 5 - Collect and Report the Results To validate a benchmark result you have to check the value of the Total Energy (ETOT) at convergence for AUSURF test-case and after the second SCF step for the GRIR686 test-case. Proceed as follow: - inside the running directory issue the command: > grep ' total energy' MY_OUTPUT_FILE | tail -1 - you should see a string like: total energy = -XXXX.YYYYYYYY Ry - or ! total energy = -XXXX.YYYYYYYY Ry - Note that if this string is not present the result is not valid! - The value XXXX.YYYYYYYY is the ETOT. It may vary depending on the number of tasks/command line parameters (its variation should be limited to the last 4 digits for the AUSURF test-case). Below are reported reference values for the datasets For the AUSURF test case the valid results should have ETOT: -11427.0820YYYY Ry +-0.0001 For the GRIR686 test case the valid results should have ETOT: -3543YY.YYYYYYYY Ry +-10 where YYY can be any digits. QE has already internal profiling and timing functions, then to evaluate the performance of a given execution you need simply to locate the execution wall time (PWSCF_WTIME) that can be found in the PWSCF timing string (e.g.: PWSCF : 1m52.95s CPU 0m32.17s WALL) at the end of the output. You can use the command: > grep -E 'PWSCF.*WALL' MY_OUTPUT_FILE Here "h", "m" and "s" stay for hours, minutes and seconds. Please, for each dataset, provide us at least four results including the reference configurations (16 cores and 512 cores, or the maximum configuration available).