EURORA configuration of PBS environment has been changed since June 2015. To be able to activate a batch job you have now to add the following parameters to the qsub command: -W group_list=train_cplm2015 -q parallel It could be handy to launch the executions using a script file, containing PBS parameters and the commands to be executed. As an example: #!/bin/sh #PBS -N test #PBS -r n #PBS -j oe #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4 #PBS -A train_cplm2015 #PBS -W group_list=train_cplm2015 #PBS -q parallel cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR module load autoload openmpi echo "Job started at " `date` # commands to remove old files # commands to compile the program # commands to execute the program wait echo "Job finished at " `date` exit Except for the parameters -A, -W, -q, you can change the other values as needed. You can launch execution with the command 'qsub ' and check job state with the command 'qstat'. This way execution is carried on while keeping the terminal available for interactive operations. Would you please find other details at