## E P I K configuration # Experiment archive title EPK_TITLE = a_64_sum # Name of global, cluster-wide directory to store final experiment archive EPK_GDIR = . # Name of (node-local) directory that can be used to store temporary files EPK_LDIR = . # Name of file containing a list of names of functions (one per line) # which should be ignored during the measurement EPK_FILTER = # Automatic removal of intermediate files EPK_CLEAN = 1 # Run-time summarization EPK_SUMMARY = 1 # Event trace collection EPK_TRACE = 0 # Unique identifier of the Machine EPK_MACHINE_ID = 0 # Define the name of the Machine EPK_MACHINE_NAME = Linux Intel # Verbosity of EPIK related control information reported EPK_VERBOSE = 0 # Enable measurement for specific parts of MPI EPK_MPI_ENABLED = CG:COLL:ENV:IO:P2P:RMA:TOPO # Maximum number of MPI comm/group/window/epoch handles tracked simultaneously EPK_MPI_HANDLES = 64 ## E P I S O D E configuration # Maximum number of measurement call-paths ESD_PATHS = 4096 # Maximum number of measurement stack frames ESD_FRAMES = 32 # Size of internal definitions buffer in bytes ESD_BUFFER_SIZE = 100000 # Maximum number of threads for which measurements should be taken ESD_MAX_THREADS = OMP_NUM_THREADS ## E P I L O G configuration # Size of internal event trace buffer in bytes ELG_BUFFER_SIZE = 10000000 # Compression level of trace files (0..9 or u=uncompressed) ELG_COMPRESSION = 6 # Automatic merge of trace files ELG_MERGE = 0 # Generate VAMPIR-compatible traces ELG_VT_MODE = 0