PROGRAM life IMPLICIT NONE ! ! MAXLOOP iterations of an NxN life board ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: N=200, MAXLOOP=30 INTEGER loop, i, j, cr, nx, r, c, nb INTEGER, DIMENSION(N,N,2) :: step CHARACTER*(16) name ! ! OMP variables INTEGER :: OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM, OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS REAL(8) :: OMP_GET_WTIME, wall1, wall2, wall ! ! Initialise step ! step = 0 ! Ten active cells in a line step(N/2,((N/2)-5):((N/2)+4),1) = 1 ! !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) SHARED(step) & !$OMP PRIVATE(loop,name,cr,nx,r,c,nb,i,j,wall1,wall2,wall) ! ! Print starting configuration ! !$OMP MASTER loop = 0 WRITE(name,"(A4,I4.4)") "Life",loop CALL INTDATA2MPGM(N,N,step(:,:,1),name,4) !$OMP END MASTER ! ! Perform MAXLOOP updates ! wall1 = 0.0; wall2 = 0.0; wall = 0.0 DO loop = 1, MAXLOOP !$ wall1 = OMP_GET_WTIME() cr = 2-mod(loop,2) nx = 2-mod(loop+1,2) !$OMP DO DO r = 2, N-1 DO c = 2, N-1 step(r,c,nx) = step(r,c,cr) ! Inizialize cell ! Per each cell nb = 0 DO i = r-1,r+1 DO j = c-1,c+1 ! Count active neighbours IF ( .NOT. (i == r .AND. j == c) ) THEN nb = nb + step(i,j,cr) END IF END DO END DO IF ( .or. THEN step(r,c,nx) = 0 ELSE IF (nb.eq.3) THEN step(r,c,nx) = 1 END IF END DO END DO !$OMP END DO ! Write out computed state of board ! !$ wall2 = OMP_GET_WTIME() wall = wall + wall2 - wall1 !$OMP MASTER WRITE(name,"(A4,I4.4)") "Life",loop CALL INTDATA2MPGM(N,N,step(:,:,nx),name,4) !$OMP END MASTER END DO !$OMP MASTER WRITE(*,*) "Computing elapsed time: ",wall !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL END ! subroutine IntData2Mpgm(s1,s2,idata,name,Mag) ! Simple subroutine to dump integer data in a PGM format implicit none INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: s1, s2, Mag INTEGER, DIMENSION(s1,s2), intent(in) :: idata character(*), intent(in) :: name ! integer :: i, j, ouni, r, m integer :: vp, vs real :: rmin, rmax character(80) :: fname ! ! Write on unit 700 with PGM format ouni = 700 fname = TRIM(name)//".pgm" open(ouni,file=trim(fname),status="replace",iostat=vs) if ( vs /= 0 ) then print*,"!!!! Error write access to file ",trim(fname) end if ! Magic code write(ouni,"(a)") "P2" ! Dimensions write(ouni,*) s1*Mag, s2*Mag ! Maximum value write(ouni,"(a)") "255" ! Values from 0 to 255 rmin = MINVAL(idata); rmax = MAXVAL(idata) print*,"rmin, rmax = ", rmin, rmax vs = 0 do i = 1, s1 DO r = 1, Mag do j = 1, s2 vp = INT ( (idata(i,j) - rmin) * 255.0 / (rmax - rmin) ) DO m = 1, Mag write(ouni,"(i4)",advance="no") vp vs = vs + 1 END DO if (vs >= 10 ) then write(ouni,"(a)") " " vs = 0 end if end do write(ouni,"(a)") " " vs = 0 END DO end do close(ouni) return end subroutine IntData2Mpgm