#include "mpi.h" #include #include #include #define index3D(a,b,c,LD1,LD2) a + (b*LD1) + (c*LD1*LD2) int MINVAL(int s, int*a) { int v, e; v = a[0]; for ( e = 0; e < s; e++ ) { if ( v > a[e] ) v = a[e]; } return(v); } int MAXVAL(int s, int*a) { int v, e; v = a[0]; for ( e = 0; e < s; e++ ) { if ( v < a[e] ) v = a[e]; } return(v); } void Terminate(int p, int err) { #include "mpi.h" int ierr, rc; fprintf(stdout,"Process %d terminates\n",p); if ( err != 0 ) { ierr = MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,err); } else { ierr = MPI_Finalize(); } return; } void IntData2Mpgm(int s1, int s2, int* idata, char* name, int Mag) { /* Simple subroutine to dump integer data in a PGM format */ int i, j, r, m; FILE* ouni; int vp, vs; float rmin, rmax; char fname[80]; /* Write on unit 700 with PGM format */ strcpy(fname,name); strcat(fname,".pgm\0"); ouni = fopen(fname,"w"); if ( ! ouni ) { fprintf(stderr,"!!!! Error write access to file %s\n",fname); } /* Magic code */ fprintf(ouni,"P2\n"); /* Dimensions */ fprintf(ouni,"%d %d\n",s1*Mag, s2*Mag); /* Maximum value */ fprintf(ouni,"255\n"); /* Values from 0 to 255 */ rmin = MINVAL(s1*s2,idata); rmax = MAXVAL(s1*s2,idata); vs = 0; for ( i = 0; i < s1; i++ ) { for ( r = 0; r < Mag; r++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < s2; j++ ) { vp = (int) ( (idata[i+(j*s1)] - rmin) * 255.0 / (rmax - rmin) ); for ( m = 0; m < Mag; m++) { vs++; fprintf(ouni,"%4d ", vp); } if ( vs >= 10 ) { fprintf(ouni," \n"); vs = 0; } } } fprintf(ouni," "); vs = 0; } fclose(ouni); return; } int ProcessBand(int length, int* start, int* end, int intervals, int n) { int delta; delta = ( length + (intervals - 1) ) / intervals; *start = delta * n; *end = delta * ( n + 1) - 1; if ( *end > length-1 ) *end = length-1; return(0); } main( int argc, char *argv[] ) /* Program LIFE */ { // MaxLoop iterations of an NxN life board int N, MaxLoop, L1, L2; int *step; int loop, i, j, cr, nx, r, c, nb, ls; char name[16]; double wall1, wall2, wall; // // MPI variables int my_rank, numprocs, ierr, tag; MPI_Status status; char server[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; // int p, my_start, my_end, my_out_col0, my_out_col1, my_cols, loc_out_col0, loc_out_col1; int my_inn_col0, my_inn_col1, loc_inn_col0, loc_inn_col1, istart, iend; // // MPI initialization // ierr = MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&my_rank); ierr = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&numprocs); ierr = MPI_Get_processor_name(server,&ls); printf(" Activated process %d of %d on server %s\n", my_rank,numprocs,server); // // Initialization // if ( my_rank == 0 ) { printf(" N, MaxLoop ?\n"); N = 200; MaxLoop = 32; // fscanf(stdin,"%d %d",&N,&MaxLoop); printf(" N, MaxLoop = %d %d",N, MaxLoop); // Allocate full step board step = (int*)malloc(sizeof((int)1)*N*N*2); L1 = N; L2 = N; if ( step == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr," Error allocating step(N,N,2)\n"); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // Initialize step for ( i = 0; i < N*N*2; i++ ) step[i] = 0; // Ten active cells in a line for ( i = (N/2)-5; i < (N/2)+5; i++ ) { step[index3D(N/2,i,0,L1,L2)] = 1; } // // Print starting config to file Life0000.pgm // loop = 0; sprintf(name,"Life%4.4d",loop); IntData2Mpgm(N,N,&step[index3D(0,0,0,L1,L2)],name,4); } // Send initial data to processes ierr = MPI_Bcast(&N,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); ierr = MPI_Bcast(&MaxLoop,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); // print*," Process ",my_rank,": N, MaxLoop = ",N, MaxLoop if ( my_rank == 0 ) { ProcessBand(N,&my_start,&my_end,numprocs,my_rank); // Global columns my_out_col0 = (my_start-1 >= 0) ? (my_start-1) : 0; // First allocated column in global numeration my_out_col1 = (my_end+1 < N) ? (my_end+1) : N-1; // Last allocated column in global numeration my_inn_col0 = my_out_col0 + 1; my_inn_col1 = my_out_col1 - 1; my_cols = (my_out_col1-my_out_col0+1); // Total allocated columns for ( p = 1; p < numprocs; p++ ) { // Send process data ProcessBand(N,&istart,&iend,numprocs,p); // Global columns tag = 100; // istart ierr = MPI_Send(&istart,1,MPI_INT,p,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Send(istart, from 0 to %d\n",p); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": sent istart" // tag = 110; // iend ierr = MPI_Send(&iend,1,MPI_INT, p,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Send(iend, from 0 to %d\n",p); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": sent iend" tag = 120; // step board ierr = MPI_Send(&step[index3D(0,istart,0,L1,L2)],(iend-istart+1)*N,MPI_INT, p,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Send(step(1,istart,1) from 0 to %d\n",p); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": sent step(1,",istart,",1),",(iend-istart+1),"," } } else { // my_rank > 0 tag = 100; // istart ierr = MPI_Recv(&my_start,1, MPI_INT, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Recv(istart,1, from 0 in process %d\n", my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": recv my_start" tag = 110; // iend ierr = MPI_Recv(&my_end,1, MPI_INT, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Recv(iend,1, from 0 in process %d",my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": recv my_end" my_out_col0 = (my_start-1 >= 0) ? (my_start-1) : 0; // First allocated column in global numeration my_out_col1 = (my_end+1 < N ) ? (my_end+1) : N-1; // Last allocated column in global numeration my_inn_col0 = my_out_col0 + 1; my_inn_col1 = my_out_col1 - 1; my_cols = (my_out_col1-my_out_col0+1); // Total allocated columns step = (int*)malloc(sizeof((int)1)*N*my_cols*2); L1 = N; L2 = my_cols; if ( step == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr," Error allocating step(N,my_cols,2) in process %d", my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } for ( i = 0; i < N*my_cols*2; i++ ) step[i] = 0; // board initialization tag = 120; // step board ierr = MPI_Recv(&step[index3D(0,(my_start-my_out_col0),0,L1,L2)],(my_end-my_start+1)*N, MPI_INT, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Recv( step(1,(my_start-my_out_col0+1),1) from 0 in process %d",my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": recv step(1,",(my_start-my_out_col0+1),",1),",(my_end-my_start+1),"," } loc_out_col0 = 0; // First allocated column in local numeration loc_inn_col0 = 1; // First column to be computed in local numeration loc_out_col1 = loc_out_col0 + my_out_col1 - my_out_col0; loc_inn_col1 = loc_inn_col0 + my_inn_col1 - my_inn_col0; // Last column to be computed in local numeration // // Perform MaxLoop updates // for (loop = 1; loop <= MaxLoop; loop++) { cr = (loop-1)%2; nx = loop%2; // Send border values if ( my_end < N-1 ) { tag = 310; // Send my rightmost column to left border of receiver ierr = MPI_Send(&step[index3D(0,loc_inn_col1,cr,L1,L2)],N, MPI_INT, my_rank+1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Send( step(1,loc_inn_col1+1,1),N, in process %d\n",my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": sent step(1,",loc_inn_col1,",cr),N, " } if ( my_start > 0 ) { tag = 320; // Send my leftmost column to right border of receiver ierr = MPI_Send(&step[index3D(0,loc_inn_col0,cr,L1,L2)],N, MPI_INT, my_rank-1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Send( step(1,loc_inn_col0-1,1),N, in process %d\n",my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": sent step(1,",loc_inn_col0,",cr),N, " } // Acquire border values // print*," Process ",my_rank,": my_start, my_end = ",my_start, my_end if ( my_start > 0 ) { tag = 310; // Acquire left border ierr = MPI_Recv(&step[index3D(0,loc_out_col0,cr,L1,L2)],N, MPI_INT, my_rank-1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Recv( step(1,loc_out_col0,cr),N, in process %d\n",my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": received step(1,",loc_out_col0,",cr),N, " } if ( my_end < N-1 ) { tag = 320; // Acquire right border ierr = MPI_Recv(&step[index3D(0,loc_out_col1,cr,L1,L2)],N, MPI_INT, my_rank+1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Recv( step(1,loc_out_col1,1),N, in process %d\n",my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } // print*," Process ",my_rank,": received step(1,",loc_out_col1,",cr),N, " } for (r = 1; r < N-1; r++) { for ( c = loc_inn_col0; c <= loc_inn_col1; c++ ) { // local columns step[index3D(r,c,nx,L1,L2)] = step[index3D(r,c,cr,L1,L2)]; // Inizialize cell // Per each cell nb = 0; for ( i = r-1; i <= r+1; i++ ) { for ( j = c-1; j <= c+1; j++ ) { // Count active neighbours if ( ! (i == r && j == c) ) { nb = nb + step[index3D(i,j,cr,L1,L2)]; } } } if (nb < 2 || nb > 3) step[index3D(r,c,nx,L1,L2)] = 0; else if ( nb == 3 ) step[index3D(r,c,nx,L1,L2)] = 1; } } // // Send data to root process // tag = 200; if ( my_rank == 0 ) { for ( p = 1; p <= numprocs-1; p++ ) { ProcessBand(N,&istart,&iend,numprocs,p); ierr = MPI_Recv(&step[index3D(0,istart,nx,L1,L2)],(iend-istart+1)*N,MPI_INT, p,tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Recv(step(1,istart,nx) from %d\n",p); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } } } else { // Send data to root ierr = MPI_Send(&step[index3D(0,(my_start-my_out_col0),nx,L1,L2)],(my_end-my_start+1)*N, MPI_INT, 0,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ( ierr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error MPI_Send(step(1,(my_start-my_out_col0+1),1),(my_end-my_start+1) from process %d\n",my_rank); ierr = -1; Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(-1); } } if ( my_rank == 0 ) { // // Write out computed state of board // sprintf(name,"Life%4.4d\0",loop); IntData2Mpgm(N,N,&step[index3D(0,0,nx,L1,L2)],name,4); } } // End loop over steps ierr = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); Terminate(my_rank,ierr); return(0); } /* end program LIFE */